Eat like Dwayne the ROCK Johnson

It’s then no surprise that adopting The Rock diet and workout plan isn’t a matter of access as much as it is a matter of conviction. Well, that and a decent budget, since you’ll be spending a lot on food. Should you take on this training regimen, however, you might one day flaunt a body like the one he did in “Hercules” or “Fast 5” or any other movie he’s been in because he’s pretty much always fit. But are you up to the task, young go-getter? Let’s find out.

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How to get TONED ARMS and feel confidence wearing singlets

Firstly, dispel the myth that lifting heavy weights will make you ‘bulk up’. Secondly, dismiss the idea that you can spot reduce a particular area of your body. Thirdly, recognise that consistency and effort is required to change your body, but know that it can be done.

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Try our new JLO ‘Hustlers’ body workout

Sure, JLO is genetically blessed. But she’s also very disciplined. So where does channelling the key muscle groups; the abs, glutes and booty just like her body, become a part of your routine? there’s a number of work-out moves she used for the ‘Hustlers’ movie that we would recommend. And here’s how-to perfect them

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Reasons why you should try Reformer Pilates

The Pilates Reformer is an exercise machine used to incorporate the Pilates exercise technique for a challenging and intense workout. Springs, leverage and body weight are used as resistance while performing movements targeting specific muscle groups. Workouts consist of controlled, flowing movements working your muscles through a full range of motion. The reformer adds increased resistance to the movement. By working to overcome this resistance, training results in increased fitness levels.

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