How long have you been a member with Element Fitness?
I have been with Element since July last year
What results have you seen whilst exercising here?
Since my time joining I have definitely gotten stronger. Personal Training here has definitely helped with that giving me the extra push! In saying this I have also made some great friends here!
What do you like about exercising at Element Fitness?
I love the community feel of Element. The atmosphere is great. It is such a welcoming environment. I always enjoy coming in here. As mentioned I have also made some great friends here as well!
Any specific fitness and personal goals you have in the future?
My Personal Trainer Lasantha and I have set ourselves a goal to compete in the ICN body building competition for my division. I am hoping to compete in the next 12 months.
Any advise you have for others who are looking at starting their fitness journey?
Be consistent! Have patience. Just do it. Enjoy the journey.
What are your favourite classes that you like to do here?
I love doing the Sprint Classes. I haven’t tried many other classes. Perhaps later on down the track
How do you balance exercising and life?
Exercise is my life! I don’t have a big social life. I work, I gym and I cat! (I have 7 cats at home!)
Favourite food?
Love my overnight oats!
What is one thing that we don’t know about you?
I am a big sci fi fan! My male cats are named after sci fi characters and my female cats are named after French historical characters!