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Member Spotlight

Greg Annan

How long have you been a member of Element Fitness for? 6 months


What do you love about training at Element?  Excellent range of equipment, classes, and welcoming staff. 


Any specific goals you have for the future?  Loose weight and gain strength


What are the some of the results you have achieved?  Avoided hip replacement by strengthening my legs and lower back over the last 6 months.


How do you balance gym and your life?  Easily as the gym is open 24/7


Any advice to others looking to get started with their health and fitness goals? You don’t have to make it a chore with a complicated exercise plan.  Start workouts short and increase slowly. 


 Favourite go to dish? Pizza


Favourite exercise or class? Just chilling out on a bike with my Air pods.


Favourite Sporting team?  Manly Sea Eagles (NRL)


Least favourite exercise? Squats


What is something that not many people know about you?  I used to be an Altar Boy