
How to Build A Healthy Habit To Avoid Fitness Addiction

There is a significant difference between men and women who exercise many times each week and those who are physically addicted to exercise.

Are you working out hard? Is it possible to overtrain? Or do you have an unhealthy exercise addiction?

A spectrum exists. The goal of performance, aesthetic improvements, or longevity-based programming is to balance not training enough and training too much.

Even though they may train all day, high-level and professional athletes are a different breed. These athletes are also committed to rest, relaxation, and rehabilitation to retain their performance, continue doing what they love, and earn money for years to come.

What are the symptoms of going too far with your fitness training and making it unhealthy for you? How can you build a healthier fitness habit? Where can you find a fitness gym in Mitcham that helps you train vigorously yet healthily? 

Learn more to know the difference between a healthy fitness habit and fitness addiction: 

You’re Working Out Too Much 

If two or three workouts per day are the minimum standard, you should reassess your routine. There isn’t a moment when you aren’t thinking about moving more and eating less.

If you have an extra 30 minutes in your day, you will use it to work out on a cardio machine or do some more callisthenics. This isn’t essentially a bad thing, but if you’ve already spent 30 minutes on your elliptical machine at home before the gym opening and then 90 minutes at the gym the next morning before work, your training schedule isn’t healthy. 

When exercise becomes more of an escape from daily life and other human connections, there is an issue.

One excellent way to solve this issue is by having a dedicated workout space. By having one, you establish boundaries between workouts and other activities. If you’re having trouble creating a good schedule to devote to your fitness routine, you can also enrol yourself in fitness classes in Mitcham. 

Skipping Meals or Quickly Exercising After Meals 

After merely a small piece of fruit for lunch, turning it into a second-day workout can indicate bad behaviour. Those with eating disorders can occasionally trade their addiction for a greater emphasis on the opposite end of the caloric equation by burning off whatever they ate that day and maintaining a constant caloric deficit. This has the same effect as skipping meals or purging afterward.

Some people continue to skip meals as part of a fasting diet to reduce caloric intake while increasing daily calorie burn. If you think you ate too much or have a restaurant dinner, it’s an issue if you go home and run or do cardio before sleeping that night and getting up early the next day to work out.

You’re Anxious, Tired, Exhausted, Hurt, Or Unwell

These situations will eventually result from training for 4-5 hours or more every day. Another red flag is continuing to train while not feeling well. For the exercise enthusiast, there are no days off.

It is harmful to exercise seven days a week, 2-3 times a day, regardless of how you feel. It’s problematic if exercise is always on the calendar, and skipping it causes worry, melancholy, and guilt. Failure to relax and recover when needed is a major red flag.

Your Relationships and Other Important Aspects of Life Are Overlooked

Someone with a fitness addiction may be more self-absorbed than usual. They are only happy when they are doing physical activity. They think about when they can start exercising again after the workout is finished.

If the time you spend jogging, walking, or exercising in the gym interferes with generally delightful social activities such as time with friends, date night, or your child’s school or athletic performances, you have a problem.

Professional Assistance Is Available

Seek valuable opinion if you think you have some of these signs (or other addictions). These fitness and nutrition issues necessitate professional assistance from a team of doctors, psychologists, and nutritionists. You can also consult with a fitness coach in Mitcham to talk about building a healthy fitness routine. 

It’s beneficial to have a knowledgeable trainer who has told overachieving athletes to take it easy and do less so they can understand the benefits of not overtraining. Avoid creating workouts that cram three days’ worth of effort into a single session.

If athletes are overtraining or going beyond that to an unhealthier degree of addiction training, they may not notice. Make sure you receive support, especially if you’re having problems with overtraining. 


On the other hand, the other extreme is not exercising, which can be hazardous. Both extremes of the fitness continuum are unhealthy and will harm your physical performance, body image, and longevity. Find a happy medium on the fitness scale and make it a daily habit to move more, eat better, and drink more water while still finding methods to unwind and relax.

Element Fitness can help you get the most out of your membership and reach your fitness objectives—including creating a healthy fitness routine. Visit our gym and work with a fitness coach in Mitcham today! 

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